Science Religion Encounters in the Classroom

Science Religion Encounters in the Classroom Animation

Science religion encounters, epistemic trespass, neighbourliness and overlapping domains: theorisation and quantitative evidence of extent
(Bowie, R.A., Aantjes, R., Woolley, M. et al. Science religion encounters, epistemic trespass, neighbourliness and overlapping domains: theorisation and quantitative evidence of extent. j. relig. educ. 71, 279–295 (2023).

Teachers’ perspectives on the relationship between secondary school departments of science and religious education: independence or mutual enrichment?
(Mary Woolley, Robert A. Bowie, Sabina Hulbert, Caroline Thomas, John‐Paul Riordan, Lynn Revell, Teachers’ perspectives on the relationship between secondary school departments of science and religious education: Independence or mutual enrichment?, The Curriculum Journal, 10.1002/curj.233)

Science and RE teachers’ perspectives on the purpose of RE on the secondary school curriculum in England
(Woolley, M., Bowie, R.A., Hulbert, S., Thomas, C., Riordan, J.-P., & Revell, L. (2023). Science and RE teachers’ perspectives on the purpose of RE on the secondary school curriculum in England. The Curriculum Journal, 34, 487–504.

Using Video and Multimodal Classroom Interaction Analysis to Investigate How Information, Misinformation, and Disinformation Influence Pedagogy: Profiling Emerging Research Innovations.
(Riordan, J., Bowie, B, Revell, L., Thomas, C., Woolley, M., & Hulbert, S. Using Video and Multimodal Classroom Interaction Analysis to Investigate How Information, Misinformation, and Disinformation Influence Pedagogy: Profiling Emerging Research Innovations. Video Journal of Education and Pedagogy (published online ahead of print 2023).

Understanding and explaining pedagogical problem solving: a video- based grounded theory study of classroom pedagogy
(John-Paul Riordan, Bob Bowie Lynn Revell, Mary Woolley, Sabina Hulbert & Caroline Thomas: Understanding and explaining pedagogical problem solving: a video- based grounded theory study of classroom pedagogy, Research in Science & Technological Education, DOI: 10.1080/02635143.2021.2001450)

‘Multimodal classroom interaction analysis using video-based methods of the pedagogical tactic of (un)grouping’
(‘Riordan, J. P., Revell, L., Bowie, B., Hulbert, S., Woolley, M., & Thomas, C. (2024). Multimodal classroom interaction analysis using video-based methods of the pedagogical tactic of (un)grouping. Pedagogies: An International Journal, 1–18.

Under review:

Preliminary theorisation for an Integrative Philosophy of Knowledge and findings from a national survey of teacher perceptions in Britain suggesting a likely lack.
(Robert A. Bowie, Rosanne Aantjes, Mary Woolley, Lynn Revell, Sabina Hulbert, John-Paul Riordan and Caroline Thomas)
Teachers’ use of questions and the science – religion encounter: Basil Bernstein and the impossibility of the unthinkable
(Lynn Revell, Robert A Bowie,Mary Woolley, Sabina Hulbert, John-Paul Riordan and Caroline Thomas)

Professional Development Resources

 What are science/religion encounters and how can I prepare for them?
What is the purpose of RE on the school curriculum?
Sharing the purpose of secondary RE in the school
How can I teach about truth in a complex world?
What role can different disciplinary knowledges play in shaping RE?
How can I foster collaboration between the RE and science departments in my school?×00/how-can-i-foster-collaboration-between-the-re-and-science-departments-in-my-school
How can an interdisciplinary ITE day support student teachers of RE?×01/how-can-an-interdisciplinary-ite-day-support-student-teachers-of-re
How can I use questioning to explore the unexpected without losing control?
Science religion encounters toolkit 12: science and religion in the classroom
Resources for Primary Teachers on Science/Religion Encounters
Resources for Secondary Teachers on Science/Religion Encounters
Science religion encounters toolkit 13: Research summaries from the project
VideosThe full Playlist of 14 Recorded Research Presentations

The video material is available at the UK Data Archive here: 

Riordan, J. (2022). Video-Based Study of Classroom Pedagogy, 2019-2021. [data collection]. UK Data Service. SN: 854915, DOI: 10.5255/UKDA-SN-854915

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